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Kids, school and COVID19

April 13, 2020

Picture this: two boys ages 10 and 6, with their school provided chrome books and lessons uploaded on google drive. One is upstairs in the nook, the other at the dining room table so they don’t interfere with each other. There are videos, work sheets, stories.

What could go wrong?

First, I didn’t put my track suit on. We are 20 minutes into this process and I already have 8 sets of stairs on my health app.

But mostly, bless those darn teachers! I mean it. Pray for them. I can barely get through half an hour with two kids, how in the world do they manage a classroom full?

I’m taking into consideration these saints are doing a whole class at a time with the same lessons, but that is still xx number of personalities all different.

I know it will get easier with more repetition and the kids will get used to doing school at home because they are resilient.

These teachers switched gears and got class assignments posted, worksheets with each kids name, videos of classroom chats. The whole thing.

Here’s where it gets tricky. Keeping the kid focused on what they should be doing. I currently have one in tears because he doesn’t want to watch the math video. “It’s boring.” “I want to play games instead, that’s what computers are for.”

A little awareness here: only using computers and tablets for video games has lead some kids to a “it’s playtime if there is a screen involved” mentality.

We (the child and I) may still be sitting at the table for dinner at this rate. And this house can’t be the only one with this challenge. I’m thinking maybe a phone call from the teacher might help.

Any ideas out there?

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